Chicago Flameproof Wood


If you are in the market for wood, make sure you purchase Chicago Flameproof wood! Chicago Flameproof manufactures fire retardant wood products. Purchasing these products to construct your building is the easiest way to protect it from fire damage, let alone one of the only ways! Because Chicago Flameproof wood is fire retardant, it has been treated with preservatives that allow the wood to burn more slowly than untreated wood if ever caught on fire.

This wood, although fire retardant, can be used in the exact same manner as untreated wood is used. Please do not choose to use untreated wood when you can do the same work with our fire retardant wood! If you are still not convinced, you should know that Chicago Flameproof always has what you need in stock and we even offer on time and onsite delivery of our products nationwide!

If you have any questions about our wood products and/or our company, please feel free to give Chicago Flameproof a call today! You can reach us at our Montgomery, IL location at (866) 884-7591.